Клиническая Офтальмология

English version

Состав редакционной коллегии научно-клинического рецензируемого журнала РМЖ «Клиническая офтальмология»

ЕГОРОВ Евгений Алексеевич (главный редактор), доктор медицинских наук, профессор, РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова, заведующий кафедрой офтальмологии им. акад. А.П. Нестерова лечебного факультета,президент Российского глаукомного общества, Москва, Россия

EGOROV Evgeniy Alekseevich (Editor-in-Chief), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Full Professor, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Head of Ophthalmology Department, President of the Russian Glaucoma Society, Moscow, Russia

КУРОЕДОВ Александр Владимирович (зам. главного редактора), доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры офтальмологии им. акад. А.П. Нестерова лечебного факультета ГБОУ ВПО РНИМУ, ФКУ «Медицинский учебно-научный клинический центр им. П.В. Мандрыка» МО РФ, начальник отделения, ученый секретарь Российского глаукомного общества, Москва, Россия

KUROYEDOV Aleksandr Vladimirovich, (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Ophthalmology Department name of acad. Nesterov of the medical faculty of the Russian National Research Medical University, Mandryka Medical Training and Research Clinical Center, Head of Ophthalmology Department, Scientific Secretary of the Russian Glaucoma Society, Moscow, Russia

АЛЕКСЕЕВ Владимир Николаевич, доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры офтальмологии, Северо-Западный государственный медицинский университет им. И.И. Мечникова, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

ALEKSEEV Vladimir Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Full Professor, Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, Professor of Ophthalmology Department, St.- Petersburg, Russia

АСТАХОВ Юрий Сергеевич, доктор медицинских наук, профессор, Первый Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И. П. Павлова, профессор кафедры, вице-президент Российского глаукомного общества, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

ASTAKHOV Yuriy Sergeyevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Full Professor, The First St.-Petersburg State Medical University named after acad. Pavlov, Professor of Ophthalmology Department, Vice-President of the Russian Glaucoma Society, St.-Petersburg, Russia

Читать дальше

RMJ Clinical Ophthalmology, published continuously since 2000 year, a general ophthalmological scientific publication and a peer-reviewed, open access periodical published in print four times in a year, every three months (ISSN 2311-7729). RMJ Clinical Ophthalmology accepts contributions in Russian from our country and other CIS countries.

Main features include articles on basic and clinical research (in ophthalmology area), up to date major reviews, original works, research highlight, editorials, education articles, letters, case reports, commentary and history of ophthalmology. About 70 manuscripts received annually, and RMJ Clinical Ophthalmology accepts about 50% of submitted manuscripts.

The RMJ Clinical Ophthalmology is represented in:

  • Research Electronic Library ( www.elibrary.ru ) and included into specialized database Russian Science Citation Index. Direct Code - www.elibrary.ru;
  • Volume each number - 50-60 pages
  • Size each number - А4 letters
  • Printing is - from 3000 up to 7000 copies (every year)
  • Post address of the founder: 105064, Russia, Moscow, PO BOX 399
  • Subscription index 57971 in Russian Catalogue «ROSPECHAT». And also in Federal Catalogues: MK-PERIODICA (www.periodicals.ru) and URAL-PRESS (www.ural-press.ru)
About Journal (General Info).docx 17 КБ

Commercial Director — Alexandra Shutaya

Editorial Office of the «Publishing House RMJ»

Editorial Office address: 105066, Russia, Moscow, Spartakovskay st., 16, bild. 1

Phone/fax: +7 (495) 545 0980 +7 (499) 267 3155

E-mail: postmaster@doctormedia.ru

Website: www.rmj.ru

Editorial Office.docx 12 КБ

Eugeny Egorov — MD, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor,

Head of Ophthalmology Department Pirogov Russian State National Medical University, Moscow, Russia,

Phone: + 7 (495) 375 23 11

e-mail: egorovrgmu@mail.ru

Editor in Chief.docx 11 КБ

In each issue of the publication highlights the main issues of clinical ophthalmology. We really think, that our articles to improve understanding of the mechanisms of pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of various eye diseases, as well as the formation of a rational approach to diagnosis and treatment. Traditionally, each issue of the publication has a main topic. These topics include, for example glaucoma, modern aspects of medical and surgical treatment, ophthalmooncology, pathology of the retina and optic nerve, medicines treatment of eye diseases, and others. The RMJ Clinical Ophthalmology placed the results of original research, reflecting the success of domestic ophthalmology research, and reviews the current state of theoretical and practical ophthalmology in Russia and abroad. An important part of the publication of the edition are to help the practitioner, as well as placing the point of view of different experts on one of the above-mentioned problems of ophthalmology. In addition to scientific articles, the RMJ Clinical Ophthalmology publishes reviews of the published monographs, manuals, textbooks on ophthalmology, information about conferences, congresses and scientific societies, covers the issues of history of ophthalmology, as well as training and advanced training of medical staff.

Main Topics of Journal.docx 12 КБ

For Authors RMJ Clinical Ophthalmology

The manuscript could be send directly to the editorial or the electronic version of the manuscript (like a scan) could be send by e-mail to the addresses egorovrgmu@mail.ru and / or jannaogan@gmail.com (preferred) or a hard copy could be send by regular mail to the address: 105064, Moscow, p / 399. In the latter case it is necessary to attach a computer disk (CD/DVD) or any other USB flash drive with the electronic version of the manuscript. Last page of manuscript should include the signatures of all authors. Authors who have sent work via e-mail, would be notified by the magazine by e-mail of acceptance of the manuscript for consideration, or to dismiss the subject as a result of non-compliance, or the requirements of the magazine. The authors who sent articles in printed form by regular mail, should independently contact with the editors by phone (+ 7-495-545-0980 or fax + 7-495-267-3155) or by e-mailjannaogan@gmail.com and learn about decision work for publication.

By sending the manuscript to the editor of «RMJ. Clinical Ophthalmology», the author undertakes that:

  • Directs the work that was neither published nor considered for publication nowhere earlier (in whole or in part);
  • The author has the consent of his employer to publish submissions, or can get it if the need arises;
  • All co-authors of the work (if any) have seen it in its final form and did not object to its publication;
  • The author agrees with the requirements of the magazine, and submitted the manuscript corresponds to them completely.


All text materials should be prepared in electronic form in the file format MS- Word. When typing the manuscript and use standard Cyrillic fonts True Type Fonts (TTF), preferably Times New Roman Cyr with the size of the symbols 12pt. Line spacing should be bastard. Do not use the mark characters bold, italic, and underline, as well as other methods (complex) text formatting (frames, lines, etc.) without necessity. On a sheet of standard A4 size a field of 2 cm to the left, to the top and to the bottom and 1.5 cm to the right should be left. The manuscript of original articles (excluding title page and illustrations) should not exceed 5-7 pages, reviews of the literature and lectures - not more than 10 messages, letters to the editor and other publications - 2-3 pages.


The manuscript should contain the following elements in this order: a title page with the data of the author (s) (all authors and place of work of each of them, with the address and contact information of the author, which will correspond, academic degree and title), and the title of the work reflecting the essence of (no more than 200 characters, including spaces, in the name of inadmissible use of abbreviations, and overall, the text of the article should not be more than 5–7 abbreviations), the page with the abstract work of the text with a list of references, tables and figures.
The text should be carefully verified.

Graphs and charts should not be overwhelmed by text explanations.
Micrographs, drawings and photos may be black and white and / or in color. Captions are optional.

The text of the article and on the fields should have designated places of figures and tables (Figure 1, Table. 1, etc.). Tables should have a title, be compact, have descriptive headings that must exactly match the count in text and numbers to be processed statistically.

Abbreviations (except generally accepted) are not allowed.
Symbols of special terms when first mentioned should be full.
The article must be accompanied by a summary in English and Russian, containing four (4) primary partitions (only for original articles), «Purpose», «Material and Methods», «Results», «Discussion» and/or «Conclusions». In addition, the optional list of key words in Russian and English should be provided. Abstract in English should be submitted for the accurate translation of all the above elements (title, authors' names, place of work, the text of the abstract, keywords).

NB! The abstract should consist of no less than 250 words for structured abstracts and 150 words — for non-structured ones. Title, text of the abstract and key words in English should be fully match those in Russian.

We recommend to use the terms from the list of medical subject headings (Medical Subject Headings), given in a special section of Index Medicus (if this list there are no suitable notation for recently introduced terms, pick the closest in meaning. Articles with a summary and a list of keywords will not be accepted.
The manuscript must be accompanied by a list of references (as the citation), decorated in accordance with modern requirements.
Used drugs and methods of administration tools and devices must have permission of relevant state regulatory bodies.

A detailed description of the requirements

The text of the manuscript should be simple and clear, without a long historical introduction, unreasonable repetitions, neologisms and new scientific words. To indicate the drugs the international nonproprietary names are needed. You can specify the name of the drug on the site www.regmed.ru. It is needed to maximize consistency of presentation with a clear delineation of the results obtained by the author from the relevant literature data and their interpretation. It is recommended to adhere to the following scheme of presentation (not marking them in the text): a) the introduction and a) purpose; b) material and methods; c) results; d) a discussion / conclusions f) references.

The introduction should briefly indicate the state of the problem, the relevance of research to formulate the purpose of work and justify the need for the study or observation. Only those works that are directly related to the subject should be mentioned, do not include data or conclusions that will be presented in the article.
When describing materials and methods of research elaborate on the selected patients or experimental animals for observation and experiments (including those in the control group) to indicate their age, sex and other characteristics affecting the results, describe the methods, apparatus (in brackets it manufacturer and country or city), as well as all treatments in sufficient detail to allow other researchers to reproduce the results. Description of generally accepted methods, including statistics should be limited to the references. It is necessary to specify exactly all drugs and chemicals, the dose and route of administration. Trade name of the drug company and the manufacturer can result in this section in brackets after the international nonproprietary name. It is necessary to present the research results in the text, tables and diagrams in a logical sequence, not to repeat in the text data from tables or figures, isolated or summarize only important observations. All cited figures and tables should be referenced in the text. A statistical significance in difference of the results should be indicated. Mathematical formulas should be created by standard means of MS Word, scrutinized and placed in the text. The units should be given in SI metric system, temperature — Celsius, blood pressure — in mm Hg. In discussion the results provide new and important aspects of this study, the application of the results obtained, including in further studies, as well as their limitations. The study should be critically compared with other studies in this area. Conclusions of the work should be linked to the objectives of the study, so as to avoid unwarranted applications not supported by the facts completely. If necessary the end of the article can be summarized as expressing gratitude.
References should be placed at the end of the manuscript text as citation and issued in accordance with the applicable rules. It is now necessary to consider the requirements of the international systems of citation, according to which the bibliographical references (Bibliography, References) are included in the English-language article unit and, therefore, must be given not only in the original language (Russian), but also in Latin (Roman alphabet). Thus, the publication of Russian-speaking sources should be referenced in Russian and Latin. English-language sources are published in the original language.

Nesterov AP, Vurgaft M. B. Otsenka indicators applanation tonography. Journal of Ophthalmology 1972; 2:20 [Nesterov A.P., Wurgaft M. B. Assessment of applanation tonography results. Vest Ophthalmol 1972; 2:20 (in Russian)]
Technology training links with automatic transliteration and translation is given below.

  1. The site www.translit.ru free use of the transliteration program
  2. Select the transliteration system DGN (Board of geographic names)
  3. We put in a special field the entire text of the bibliography in Russian
  4. Press the button «in transliteration»
  5. Copy the resulting transliterated text in its publication
  6. Transfer by an automatic translator name of monographs, articles and so on. English language and transferred to its publication. Please note that automatic translation requires additional editing
  7. Joins the description in accordance with the rules and edit the list
  8. At the end links in parentheses indicates – (in Russian)
  9. Link is ready

The reference in the text of the manuscript, tables and figures on the literary source should be presented in the form of numbers in square brackets (eg [5]), at which the source is located in the reference list. The number of cited sources should not exceed 50–60 for review articles and 12–15 in all other cases. The list of references should include articles, mainly published in the last 10–15 years in refereed journals, monographs and patents, to avoid citing theses, manuals, works from the collections of papers, proceedings of the conference.

Sources in the list of references must be strictly specified in the order of citing. All the sources must be numbered in strict accordance with their numbering in the text. If several works of one author are cited they have to be presented leading to ascending edition.

The article written by a group of authors (more than 4 people) should be placed in the list of references by the name of the first author, and the authors point out two more, and then put «et al." If the author group consists of 4 people, then list all the names. Monograph written by a group of authors (more than 4 people) are placed on the list of books by title. After a slash after the title indicate the names of the three authors, and then put «et al." The output of the monograph must include the full name, place, publisher and year of publication, number of pages. Periodicals and publications result in the list with a brief indication of the adopted name of the source, the year, volume number (issue), pages (from… until…).

The author is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the list of references. For detailed acquaintance with the rules of registration of the list of references should read the latest issue of the magazine a few.

Tables should be clear, compact and contain a statistically processed material. To create a table use standard means of MS-Word or Excel. Each table should dial 1.5 spacing on a separate page and numbered consecutively in the order of its first mention in the text. Each table should have a short title, and each column in it — a short title (you can use abbreviations decrypted in the footnotes). All explanations should be placed in notes (footnotes), and not in the name of the table. Indicate which statistical parameters were used to represent the variability of the data, such as standard deviation, or the average error of the mean arithmetic. As an alternative to the recommended tables with a large number of data graphics could be applied. The name of the table footnotes and references should be sufficient to understand the information presented in the table without reading the text of the article.

Figures should be submitted in separate files and text, and meet the following requirements: file extension *. tif, * .jpg, * png, * gif; resolution — not less than 300 dpi (pixels per inch); figure should be cut off at the edges of the image and free from dust and scratches; pattern width — from 70 to 140 mm, the height — not more than 200 mm

Charts and graphs should be editable, black and white. The histogram is recommended to alternate solid color (black, white, gray) and the pattern (hatching, diamonds, etc.) in the charts — use well identifiable markers and dashes. All figures and captions should be very apparent. Each figure should be accompanied by brief captions, which together with the designations given in the figure should be sufficient to understand the information presented in the figure without reading the text of the article.

In general it should adhere to the above rules in all cases, the preparation of articles with the following features. Abstracts of review articles and lectures can be presented without structuring them into fragments. Other types of publications (letters to the editor, reviews of monographs, information on conferences and other commemorative materials.) Sent without abstracts. Keywords should be given for all kinds of publications.

Within 5 days of receipt of the manuscript the editorial board holds its initial assessment for compliance with the theme of the magazine and the requirements of these regulations. In case of identifying the inconsistency the author is notified of the rejection of work, indicating the reasons. Rejected at this stage of the article is not reviewed and does not come back.

NB! Terms of consideration in the wording of the articles, including the peer review process and correspondence with the author (s) does not exceed three (3) months.

NB! The editorial is not responsible for advertising information placed in the magazine on a commercial basis.

Preparation of Manuscripts.docx 24 КБ
  1. All scientific manuscripts submitted for publication are subject to peer review.
  2. Editorial staff states if an manuscripts corresponds to the journal’s profile and design requirements, and sends it first to the executive editor who assesses the scientific value of the article and appoints a reviewer with similar specialization. The articles are reviewed by the members of the Editorial Board, top ophthalmologists of the Russian Federation1.
  3. Reviewing time (all period of reviewing procedure is about 3 months) can be extended at reviewer’s request or if the situation so requires.
  4. After analyzing the article the reviewer can advise one of the following:
    • to publish the article as it is;
    • the Journal is interested, but the manuscript is not acceptable in its current form and needs to be revised to be considered for publication;
    • the manuscript requires some revisions before it can be accepted;
    • the manuscript is not suitable for publication unless the authors conduct further research or collect additional data;
    • publication is declined and the reviewers’ comments are provided to the authors
  5. All reviewing is confidential. It is conducted by the double-blind method, which means that neither the author, nor the reviewer knows each other’s name. Breach of confidentiality is possible only if there is a reviewer’s statement of consent about reporting his name to the author.
  6. If a review has recommended to correct and revise the article, the editorial office secretary sends the text of the review to the author requesting him to take the recommendations into consideration when preparing a new variant of the article or dispose them reasonably (wholly or partially). An article revised by the author is to be reviewed again.
  7. If an author and a reviewer have irrepressible conflicts concerning an article, the editorial board has a right to send the article to another reviewer. In conflict situations the decision is made by the editor-in-chief.
  8. An article not recommended for publication by a reviewer is not to be re-reviewed. The negative review report is sent to the author by e-mail, fax or by post.
  9. Original copies of reviews are kept in the editorial office for five years.


The associate editor (or Editor-in-chief) communicates this decision to the authors in a detailed letter that puts forth questions raised in the review process and recommends the revisions needed to meet the standards for publication. Authors respond to the associate editor with a revised manuscript and letter detailing the changes. When the manuscript is returned by the author, the associate editor reviews the revised manuscript and decides whether further peer review or statistical review is needed (and often brings the revisions to another editorial meeting for discussion). If additional outside review is not needed, the manuscript is sent to a deputy editor (or Editor-in-chief) for editing and additional revisions in collaboration with the associate editor and authors.

The Editor-in-chief reviews the final submission and may raise further questions. The Editor-in-chief is the only person who can officially accept a paper. The editor’s formal acceptance sends an article into manuscript editing (for copyediting) and production.

Reviewing procedure.docx 18 KБ

Editorial ethics

The Editorial Board of the RMJ Clinical Ophthalmology follows the conventional ethical principles for scientific periodicals and guidelines of the Publication Ethics Code developed and approved by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and demands that all those involved in publishing operation should obey these principles.

Professional conduct of the editor and publisher

The publisher and Editorial Board are responsible for the disclosure of copyrighted materials. The Editor makes an unbiased conclusion as to the publication on the base of reliability of provided data and academic significance of a work under consideration. In making the decision of publication, the Editor may consult other editors or experts. Editorial decisions should not be influenced by the origins of the manuscript, including the nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion of the authors. Decisions to edit and publish should not be determined by the policies of governments or other agencies outside of the journal itself. Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts should not be traded on or transmitted to third persons without written consent of the author(s). Information obtained in the reviewing process should be handled as confidential. The Editor should not accept a manuscript for publication where there are sufficient grounds to suspect plagiarism. The Editor and Publisher should not disregard claims concerning reviewed manuscripts or published materials. In case of conflicts, they should make reasonable best efforts for restoration of violated rights.

Reviewers' ethics

Peer reviewers make an expert review of a manuscript, and their conduct should be impartial, according to the following principles. The manuscript received for reviewing should be considered confidential. It may not be given for information or discussion to third persons not authorized by the Editor. Reviewers must provide an unbiased and substantiated estimation of results presented in the manuscript. Personal criticism of the author(s) is not allowed. Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts should not be traded on. Reviewers should notify the Editor if they find they do not have the expertise to assess all aspects of the manuscript or cannot be impartial because of conflict of interest. They should ask the Editor to dispense him/her from the reviewing of the manuscript.

Authors' conduct

Author(s) are aware that they bear primary responsibility for the novelty and validity of research results and for the abidance by biological and medical ethic standards in doing experiments presented in the manuscript. Authors should provide reliable data of their study. Misleading or falsified statements are unacceptable. Authors should ensure that the research results presented in their manuscript are fully original. Borrowed quotations or statements should be accompanied by references to their authors and sources. Overquoting and plagiarism of any kind are unethical and unacceptable. The contributions of all persons involved in the study to any extent should be acknowledged. In particular, all publications significant for the study should be referred to. Submission of a paper implies that the results reported have not been published and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. The cover letter should contain the statement that the work is published for the first time. If some fragments of the manuscript have been published, the authors should refer to the earlier paper and indicate differences between the new and earlier papers. Intentional submission or re-submission of a work for duplicate publication is considered a breach of publishing ethics. All persons who made significant contributions to the work should be included to the list of authors. It is unacceptable to indicate persons not participating in the study as co-authors. All co-authors should confirm the consent to the publication by signing either the license to publish or the manuscript itself. The Editor is not liable to responsibility before third persons for the breach of warranties provided by authors. If an author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the manuscript in the course of its reviewing or after publication, he/she should immediately notify the Editor.

Conflict of interests

To avoid publication misconduct, conflicts of interests of all participants of the editorial process should be eliminated. A conflict of interests may arise if an author, reviewer, or member of the Editorial Board is involved in financial, scientific, or personal relationships that may affect their actions. Authors are obliged to settle all claims on their own account. In cases of suspected publication misconduct by any participant of the editorial process, public investigation must be pursued. If a paper containing significant inaccuracies has been published, it should be revised so that the revisions should be accessible for readers and indexing systems.

Publishing Ethics.docx 16 KБ